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TOY Prolog ST V3.3 1 Documentation
TOY Prolog ST, Version 3
Translated from the German documentation by Martin Willson
for the ST Club, 9 Sutton Place, 49 Stoney Street
Nottingham, NG1 1LX, UK
September 1988
TOY Prolog ST 2 Contents
1 Copyrights 3
2 Syntax and User Interface 3
2.1 The Syntax of TOY Prolog 3
2.2 The User Interface 7
3 System Functions and Predefined Predicates 8
3.1 General 8
3.2 Description of the system functions and predefined
predicates 9
3.2.1 General predicates 10
3.2.2 Arithmetic with integer numbers 10
3.2.3 Comparison of numbers or names 11
3.2.4 Comparison of terms 12
3.2.5 Input and Output 13 Data streams 13 Switching input/output streams 14 Input aids 16 Input/output of terms; operators 17 Single characters 19 Input/output of single characters 20
3.2.6 Type testing 21
3.2.7 Access to the term structure 22
3.2.8 Access to predicates in the data bank 24
3.2.9 Control of the course of the program 27
3.2.10 Aids for the testing of programs 29
3.2.11 Working on grammatical rules 30
3.2.12 Miscellaneous functions 30
3.3 The GEM Functions 32
3.3.1 Control functions 32
3.3.2 Graphic output 32
3.3.3 Attribute functions 33
3.3.4 Functions for mouse control 35
3.3.5 Display of an alert message 36
3.4 Names of the system functions 36
4 The Auxiliary Programs 37
4.1 The translator for the User Interface 37
4.2 The Editor 38
4.3 The Program Structure Analyzer 39
5 The Demonstration Programs 40
5.1 ALPHA 40
5.2 TOYSEQUEL (relational database) 41
5.3 Noughts and Crosses 42
A1 Construction of the Interpreter 43
A2 Syntax of the Inner Interpreter 44
A3 The System File 46
A4 Implementation of the User Interface 47
A5 Future Developments 48
TOY Prolog ST 3 Copyrights - Syntax
The program is based on an implementation of Prolog published by
Feliks Kluzniak and Stanislaw Szpakowicz in their book "Prolog
for Programmers" (Academic Press, London, 1985).
The rights for the Atari version lie with Jens Kilian, Bensheim.
The program is released for public distribution under the
condition that none of the notices on the existing copyrights in
the various files is removed or altered, however it may not be
sold for profit.
This file is a translation of the German documentation and is
copyright © Martin Willson 1988 for the translation. It likewise
may not be sold for profit.
Atari, 520 ST and TOS are trademarks of the Atari Corporation.
GEM is a trademark of Digital Research, Inc.
The dialect used is very similar to the dialect Prolog-10 used in
"Programming in Prolog" (Clocksin & Mellish, Springer-Verlag,
Berlin & Heidelberg 1981). Some of the differences will be stated
further on.
2.1. The Syntax of TOY Prolog
The notation used is BNF. The lower case words and the following
syntax description symbols are non-terminal symbols (i.e. do not
appear in actual programs).
::- means 'is defined as', 'consists of'
| separates alternatives
{ s } means that the symbol-sequence s can be repeated
as often as required (or not at all).
*** indicates a comment.
It is assumed that the normal operator declarations are in force.
clause ::= definition | grammatical_rule | directive
definition ::= rule | fact
rule ::= head :- body
fact ::= head
*** The principal functor of head is not :- / 2
head ::= functor_term
body ::= alternative_body { ; alternative_body }
alternative_body ::= call { , call }
TOY Prolog ST 4 Syntax
call ::= functor_term | variable | ( body )
functor_term ::= term
*** Not a variable and not an integer; a formal definition
*** would be quite costly
grammatical_rule ::= lefthand_side --> righthand_side
lefthand_side ::= non_terminal context | non_terminal
non_terminal ::= functor_term
context ::= terminal_symbol
righthand_side ::= alternatives
alternatives ::= alternative { ; alternative }
alternative ::= rule_element { , rule_element }
rule_element ::= non_terminal | terminal_symbol |
condition | ! | ( alternatives )
terminal_symbol ::= list | character_string
*** Only 'closed' lists are allowed
condition ::= bracket_term
directive ::= command | query
command ::= :- body
query ::= body
*** The principal functor of body is not :- / 1
term ::= term1200
termN ::= opfx,N termN-1 | opfy,N termN |
termN-1 opxf,N | termN opyf,N |
termN-1 opxfx,N termN-1 |
termN-1 opxfy,N termN |
termN opyfx,N termN-1 |
termN opyfy,N termN | termN-1
*** 1 ≤ N ≤ 1200; opT,N is an operator of type T and
*** precedence N; termN can be called 'term of precedence N'
term0 ::= variable | integer | character_string |
list | non_operator |
non_operator ( term { , term } ) |
( term ) | bracket_term
bracket_term ::= { term }
non_operator ::= functor
opT,N ::= functor
*** T ∈ { fx, fy, xf, yf, xfx, xfy, yfx, yfy }, 1 ≤ N ≤ 1200
*** see also remark 1
list ::= [] | [ term999 { , term999 } ] |
[ term999 { , term999 } | term ]
*** Terms of precedence 999 can be linked by commas without
*** brackets ( , / 2 has precedence 1000)
functor ::= word | q_name | symbol | solo_char
word ::= word_initial { alphanumeric }
word_initial ::= small_letter
alphanumeric ::= small_letter | capital_letter | digit | _
q_name ::= ' { q_character } '
q_character ::= '' | not_'
*** not_' is any character other than '
symbol ::= symbol_char { symbol_char }
variable ::= variable_initial { alphanum }
variable_initial ::= capital_letter | _
integer ::= - digit { digit } | digit { digit }
TOY Prolog ST 5 Syntax
character_string ::= " { string_char } "
*** In TOY a character_string means a list of the names of
*** the characters, in Prolog-10 a list of their ASCII-codes
string_char ::= "" | not_"
*** not_" is any character other than "
small_letter ::= a | b | c | d | e | f | g | h | i |
j | k | l | m | n | o | p | q | r |
s | t | u | v | w | x | y | z | ü |
é | â | ä | à | å | ç | ê | ë | è |
ï | î | ì | æ | ô | ö | ò | û | ù |
ÿ | ß | ƒ | á | í | ó | ú | ñ | ª |
º | ã | õ | ø | œ | ij
capital_letter ::= A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I |
J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R |
S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | Ç |
Ä | Å | É | Æ | Ö | Ü | Ñ | Ø | Œ |
À | Ã | Õ | IJ
digit ::= 0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9
symbol_char ::= # | $ | & | * | + | - | . | / | : |
< | = | > | ? | @ | \ | ^ | ' | ~ |
| ¢ | £ | ¥ | ¿ | ⌐ | ¬ | ¡ | « |
» | § | ∧ | ∞ | ≡ | ± | ≥ | ≤ | ÷ |
≈ | ¯
*** An isolated dot, followed by a space,
*** is not a symbol_char but a full_stop.
solo_char ::= , | ; | !
character_group ::= functor | variable | integer |
character_string | bracket_or_slash
*** Character_groups are used in Remark 6, see below.
bracket_or_slash ::= ( | ) | [ | ] | { | } | |
comment ::= % { not_end_of_line } end_of_line
*** end_of_line is a character that indicates the end of a
*** line, not_end_of_line is any other character.
*** TOY Prolog converts all end_of_lines into single CRs.
space ::= { control_char }
*** control_char is 'SPACE' or 'TAB' or end_of_line or
*** any unprintable character (ASCII-Code < 32).
full_stop ::= . control_char
(1) Mixed operators are not included in the description, but the
rules for them all have the same form, e.g.
termN ::= op[xfy,fx],N termN-1
(There are 11 additional rules for mixed operators.)
In TOY Prolog a mixed operator can have at the most one
unary and one binary type, both with the same precedence.
(2) There are many ambiguous combinations of connected
operators, which are not included in this description.
TOY Prolog ST 6 Syntax
(3) Not all functors (e.g. names in apostrophes) can be
declared as operators.
(4) In the description of the body we have been able to omit
separate consideration of , / 2 and ; / 2, as both are
normally declared as infix-operators. The rule
body ::= functor_term
has however disguised the structure of a body that occurs as
a rule.
(5) The syntax for directives (commands and queries) is oriented
towards the user interface employed in TOY Prolog.
(6) Comments and spaces can be inserted as desired before and
after character_groups, but not inside a character_group. A
comment extends only up to the next end_of_line.
(7) Between a minus sign that must be treated as a functor and
an unsigned integer there must be a space. A minus sign
directly preceding a numeral sequence will be regarded as
its sign.
(8) An entered term must be closed with a full_stop (outside an
apostrophised name, a character_string or a comment).
(9) TOY Prolog uses a simple unification algorithm without
'occurrence check'. By this means, for example, the terms X
and f(X) can be unified. In the process there result
cyclical data structures, which by careless programming can
lead the interpreter into an endless loop during output or
unification. Thus care is needed with such structures.
TOY Prolog ST 7 User Interface
2.2. The User Interface
The user interface of TOY Prolog is written in Prolog itself. An
intermediate code is used, which shows only slight restrictions
compared with the complete syntax, but can be translated easily
into the code used by the inner interpreter. For details on this,
see the appendices.
The inner interpreter calls the predicate ear / 0, as soon as it
has to read from the 'user' input stream. This predicate calls
the main loop of the outer interpreter; its name is loop / 0.
In the loop the user is asked by the prompt
to enter a term, which after that is executed as follows:
(1) Variables or incorrect terms are ignored.
(2) Numbers generate an error message.
(3) Terms of the form "head :- body" or "LHS --> RHS" are
adopted into the data bank as rules (grammatical_rules with
'-->' will be translated beforehand).
(4) Terms of the form ":- body" are regarded as commands and
executed deterministically.
(5) A list is regarded as a list of filenames. For analysis of
the list, the predicate 'consultall' will be called.
(6) All other terms are handled as queries: an attempt is made
to satisfy the goal described. If it succeeds, the resulting
variable instantiations will be printed out, and the inter-
preter will wait for the input of a character. If the
character is ';', it will be attempted to satisfy the query
If the query contains no variables, 'yes' will be
output on success; if it fails, 'no' is printed out.
When the predicate 'stop' is called, the program is interrupted.
TOY Prolog ST 8 Builtin functions & predicates
3.1. General
System functions are functions that are implemented in the actual
(inner) interpreter; predefined predicates are written in Prolog
and are read after the start of the interpreter from the system
file 'SYSFILE.TOY' (see Appendix A3).
The basic functions of Prolog-10 are covered by these two groups.
In the Atari version, many additional system functions are
implemented, which enable access to the special features of the
ST (GEM graphics routines and realtime clock).
A system function can produce three different results: it can
fail, succeed, or produce a system error. If a system function
succeeds, side-effects usually occur (e.g. output functions).
An error occurring can have the consequence that the attempt to
satisfy the current goal is entirely broken off; it can even
(through a memory overflow) go as far as stopping the inter-
preter. Such a serious error is announced by the message "fatal
error : ...". After such an error the interpreter starts indepen-
dently the predicate ear / 0, if it is not reading in a file just
then. In the event of an error while opening or closing a file,
input and output are diverted beforehand back to the keyboard or
Normally, however, an error is provoked by other circumstances,
e.g. by an incorrect parameter in the call of a system function.
In this case, satisfaction of the current goal is not stopped; it
is continued as if the term provoking the error were a call of
the predicate error / 1. The argument of error(...) is here the
incorrect call itself.
error / 1 is written in Prolog and is in the system file;
the user can write his/her own error routines. error(...) can
also be called explicitly. In the existing version error(Call)
prints out a message of the form "System call error: Call" when
the principal functor of Call denotes a system function, other-
wise simply "Error : Call". After printing out, error / 1 fails.
TOY Prolog ST 9 Builtin functions & predicates
3.2. Description of the system functions & predefined predicates
Remark: In the following descriptions, statements will be made
~~~~~~ such as "Predicate tries to unify two terms," when the
predicate fails or succeeds depending on the result of unifica-
tion. The terms are unified after success.
"Predicate tests a condition" means that it fails or
succeeds depending on the result of the condition.
Parameters will be denoted in the following descriptions as:
TERM any term
INTEGER an integer-number
VAR a variable
VARINT an integer-number or a variable
F_TERM a term with functor and zero or more arguments
CALL see F_TERM (but in the sense of a goal to be
ATOM a functor without arguments
NAME see ATOM (but the function considered refers to
the printable name of the functor)
CHAR a NAME consisting of a single character
FILENAME the name of a standard input/output stream (see
the functions see/tell etc.), or a specification
for a TOS disk file, e.g.
CALL_LIST a (possibly empty) list of CALLs
CHAR_LIST a (possibly empty) list of CHARs
NUM_LIST a CHAR_LIST of numeral characters
The parameters of the predicate being described are denoted
PAR_1, PAR_2, etc.
In TOY Prolog there exist predefined operators, of which some are
the names of predicates. There is a list in the description of
op / 3 in section
TOY Prolog ST 10 General predicates
3.2.1. General predicates
always succeeds
always fails
not CALL
succeeds whenever CALL fails
succeeds whenever both parameters can succeed
succeeds whenever one of the parameters can
check( CALL )
succeeds whenever the parameter can succeed, but
does not instantiate any variables
side_effects( CALL )
equivalent to check(CALL); should be used so as to
emphasize that the side-effects of CALL are
once( CALL )
tries to satisfy CALL deterministically (just once)
3.2.2. Arithmetic with integer numbers
succeeds whenever PAR_1+PAR_2 = PAR_3.
succeeds after unifying PAR_3 with the value of
succeeds after unifying PAR_2 with the value of
succeeds after unifying PAR_1 with the value of
succeeds whenever PAR_1*PAR_2+PAR_3 = PAR_4.
TOY Prolog ST 11 Integer arithmetic
succeeds after unifying PAR_4 with the value of
succeeds after unifying PAR_3 with the value of
succeeds after unifying PAR_2 with the value of
PAR_4 div PAR_1 and PAR_3 with the value of
PAR_4 mod PAR_1.
as the previous case, but PAR_1 and PAR_2 inter-
fails when (PAR_4-PAR_3) mod PAR_1 is not equal to
0; otherwise it succeeds after unifying PAR_2 with
the value of (PAR_4-PAR_3) div PAR_1.
as the previous case, but PAR_1 and PAR_2 inter-
It is assumed that PAR_2 is an arithmetic expres-
sion composed of INTEGERs and the standard opera-
tors +, - (either binary or unary), *, / and mod;
if not, the predicate fails (a system error can
also occur, if PAR_2 contains free variables).
If PAR_2 is an expression, its value is com-
puted and it is attempted to unify PAR_1 with it.
is can also compute a list of the form
[ INTEGER ] as the value of this integer-number
(in accordance with the conventions of Prolog-10).
is is used by other predicates that regard
their arguments as expressions, e.g. the
3.2.3. Comparison of numbers or names
succeeds when PAR_1 < PAR_2.
TERM =:= TERM ( =:= )
succeeds when PAR_1 and PAR_2 are arithmetic
expressions that have the same value.
TOY Prolog ST 12 Comparison operators
TERM =\= TERM ( =\= )
as =:=, but checks whether the values are
TERM < TERM ( < )
as =:=, but checks whether the value of PAR_1 is
less than the value of PAR_2.
TERM =< TERM ( =< )
as <, but checks for "less than or equal".
TERM > TERM ( > )
as <, but checks for "greater than".
TERM >= TERM ( >= )
as <, but checks for "greater than or equal".
NAME @< NAME ( @< )
succeeds whenever PAR_1 comes before PAR_2 in the
lexicographic order defined by the extended ASCII
character set of the Atari ST.
NAME @=< NAME ( @=< )
as @<, but checks for "less than or equal".
NAME @> NAME ( @> )
as @<, but checks for "greater than".
NAME @>= NAME ( @>= )
as @<, but checks for "greater than or equal".
3.2.4. Comparison of terms
TERM = TERM ( = )
attempts to unify PAR_1 and PAR_2.
eqvar(VAR, VAR)
succeeds when PAR_1 and PAR_2 are two instances of
the same, non-anonymous variable.
TERM == TERM ( == )
succeeds when PAR_1 and PAR_2 are two instances of
the same term.
TERM \== TERM ( \== )
succeeds when PAR_1 and PAR_2 are not two
instances of the same term.
TOY Prolog ST 13 Data streams
3.2.5. Input and Output
---------------- Data streams
Input and output in TOY Prolog ST are data-stream oriented. A
data stream is (from the user's point of view) the name or the
complete specification of a disk file, or the predefined name of
a special input or output device.
A disk file can be accessed for reading and writing, provided it
is not protected by the operating system against overwriting and
is not on a write-protected disk. Names of file streams can be
for example:
editor (one of the auxiliary programs)
'sysfile.toy' (the system file)
'b:\folder.1\data' (a file named 'data' on a disk in
drive B in folder 'folder.1')
Either upper or lower case can be used for file streams.
A file stream can be opened only in one direction, read-only
or write-only. Opening a file stream several times in the
same direction has no effect.
The predefined data streams are available for communicating with
other devices or components of the computer. They cannot always
be accessed for reading and writing, but a predefined data stream
for which read and write access are allowed can be opened in both
directions at the same time.
The predefined data streams and the types of access allowed
are tabulated below. Their names can be written in either upper
or lower case (don't forget the apostrophes in upper case.)
Name | Read access | Write access
user | standard user input | standard user output
| (keyboard, buffered) | (screen)
| |
keybd | user input | output to the
| (keyboard, single char)| keyboard controller
| |
modem | read RS232 interface | write RS232
| |
midi | read MIDI interface | write MIDI
| |
printer | not allowed ! | Centronics interface
TOY Prolog ST 14 Switching i/o streams Switching input/output streams
Up to 16 file streams can be open at the same time.
the given data stream becomes the current input
stream; if it refers to a file not yet opened,
this is opened for reading.
seeing( TERM )
attempts to unify the parameter with the current
input stream.
If the current input stream is a file, it is
closed. The predefined data stream 'user' becomes
the current input stream.
tell( FILENAME )
the given data stream becomes the current output
stream; if it refers to a file not yet opened,
this is generated on the disk (any existing file
of the same name will be deleted!) and opened for
telling( TERM )
attempts to unify the parameter with the current
output stream.
If the current output stream is a file, it is
closed. The predefined data stream 'user' becomes
the current output stream.
Access to disk directories is enabled by the following system
functions, implemented in Version 3.3:
disk_dir( VAR )
instantiates PAR_1 with the name of the current
directory, i.e. drive descriptor and pathname.
disk_dir( NAME )
makes the directory given in PAR_1 the current
directory. The drive descriptor can be absent; in
this case the current drive is used. If PAR_1 is
incorrect, a system call error is generated.
disk_search( NAME, INTEGER, TERM, TERM )
PAR_1 and PAR_2 are parameters for the operating
system call 'Fsfirst': the first file in the
current directory (or in a directory determined by
TOY Prolog ST 15 File streams
a pathname present in PAR_1) is sought, that
corresponds to the search pattern in PAR_1, and
whose attributes correspond to the search
attributes PAR_2. The search pattern is given as a
filename; though the 'wild cards' '#' and '?' can
be used here. There must be no 'wild cards' in the
The search attributes are given bitwise in
0 Normal file access allowed
1 File is write-protected
2 File is 'hidden'
4 File is a 'system file' (also hidden)
8 Not a file, but the name of the disk
16 Not a file, but a subdirectory
32 File has been written & closed (???)
If no corresponding file is found, the call fails;
otherwise an attempt is made to unify PAR_3 with
the name and PAR_4 with the attributes of the file
disk_search( TERM, TERM )
seeks the next file whose name and attributes fit
those in the last call of disk_search/4, and
attempts to unify PAR_1 with the filename and
PAR_2 with the attributes belonging to it. If no
further file that fits is found, the call fails.
If a critical error occurs during a disk operation - change of
disk, wrong disk in drive, etc. - the message results,
There was a critical error. (A)bort, (R)etry or (I)gnore?
Entering 'A' leads to an abort, with an error message; 'R' gives
rise to a new trial, and with 'I' the error is ignored
TOY Prolog ST 16 Input aids Input aids
TOY Prolog has the ability to print out on the screen for
checking characters that have been read in from a file stream or
a peripheral device.
switches checking printout on.
switches checking printout off.
Version 3.3 allows character strings to be assigned to the
function keys (F1 to F10) and the cursor key block, so that when
the appropriate key is pressed during entry from the keyboard
(data streams 'user' and 'keybd') it is as if the string had been
entered from the keyboard.
The following system function serves for this:
set_fstring( INTEGER, NAME )
PAR_1 must be an integer in the range 0 to 27,
which selects the desired function key (see
below). The character string given by the name in
PAR_2 is assigned to the selected function key
(PAR_2 must be a functor without arguments).
The function keys are denoted as follows:
0 F1 10 Shift-F1 20 Clr/Home
1 F2 11 Shift-F2 21 Cursor up
2 F3 12 Shift-F3 22 Cursor left
3 F4 13 Shift-F4 23 Cursor right
4 F5 14 Shift-F5 24 Cursor down
5 F6 15 Shift-F6 25 Insert
6 F7 16 Shift-F7 26 Undo
7 F8 17 Shift-F8 27 Help
8 F9 18 Shift-F9
9 F10 19 Shift-F10
This special feature applies to the character
string: if there is a '\' in the string, the
following character is interpreted as if the key
concerned had been typed together with 'Control'.
Exception: if the character following is another
'\', it counts (as usual) as a single '\'. E.g.:
\G - 'Bell', \H - 'Backspace', \M - 'Return'.
TOY Prolog ST 17 I/o of terms - Operators Input/output of terms; operators
display( TERM )
outputs TERM in standard form to the current
output stream: functors will be output in prefix
form with brackets; names will not be placed in
apostrophes; variables will be output as _N, where
N is a number.
write( TERM )
outputs TERM to the current output stream; the
present operator declarations will be followed,
but names will not be placed in apostrophes.
Variables will be output in the form XN, where N
is a number; the numbering begins with 1.
Warning: in TOY Prolog a predicate is used
for the output of variables that numbers them,
binding them to terms of the form 'V'(N). For this
reason, terms of the form 'V'(N) will not be
output correctly, when N is an integer number.
writeq( TERM )
As 'write', but names that do not constitute well-
formed words or are in conflict with a present
operator declaration will be placed in apostro-
phes. Terms that have been output with 'writeq'
can be read in again with 'read'.
read( TERM )
reads a term, concluded with a full stop, from the
current input stream; succeeds only when this term
can be unified with PAR_1. The present operator
declarations are followed. If the input term
contains a syntactical error, the message
"Bad term on input. Text skipped:"
is output, and the input text as far as the next
full stop outside a comment or quotation marks is
skipped (if there is no full stop, the user must
enter one). After that, it attempts to unify PAR_1
with 'e r r'.
At the end of a file stream, input is
switched to 'user'.
declares PAR_3 as an operator with type specifier
PAR_2 and precedence number PAR_1. Operators with
lower precedence numbers are evaluated first. The
precedence must be in the range 1 ≤ PAR_1 ≤ 1200,
and should be less than 1000 to avoid conflict
with the operators ',', ';', ':-' and '-->'.
PAR_2 must be chosen from the set { xf, yf,
fx, fy, xfx, xfy, yfx, yfy }. PAR_3 must be
TOY Prolog ST 18 Operators
printable without apostrophes.
If an operator declaration already exists for
PAR_3, it is modified in accordance with the
instructions of PAR_1 and PAR_2: the new
precedence replaces the old and the new unary (or
binary) type replaces the old unary (or binary)
type. In TOY Prolog an operator can have only one
unary and one binary type at the same time, both
with the same precedence.
delop( ATOM )
deletes the operator declaration for PAR_1. PAR_1
should be placed in apostrophes, as it is still an
operator up to the moment of entry of 'delop'.
The following standard operators are declared already:
Operator Type Precedence
:- xfx, fx 1200
--> xfx 1200
; xfy 1100
, xfy 1000
not fy 900
= xfx 700
is xfx 700
=:= xfx 700
=\= xfx 700
< xfx 700
=< xfx 700
> xfx 700
>= xfx 700
@< xfx 700
@=< xfx 700
@> xfx 700
@>= xfx 700
== xfx 700
\== xfx 700
=.. xfx 700
+ yfx, fx 500
- yfx, fx 500
* yfx 400
/ yfx 400
mod xfx 300
TOY Prolog ST 19 Single characters Single characters
In TOY Prolog, unlike Prolog-10, single characters are represen-
ted by atoms, whose names consist of exactly one character (in
Prolog-10, as their ASCII-representation, i.e. as numbers).
TOY Prolog ST supports the extended character set of GEM;
hence German, French, Spanish etc. letters are actually recog-
nized as letters (!).
For character strings there exists a special represen-
tational form. Character strings are treated as lists of
single characters (not, as in Prolog-10, as lists of ASCII
codes); the notation for character strings uses quotation marks
(") to enclose a string. As usual, a doubled quotation mark ("")
inside a character string denotes a single " included in the
The following predicates are provided for working on single
ordchr( INTEGER, CHAR )
succeeds whenever PAR_1 is the ordinal number of
the character PAR_2.
ordchr( VAR, CHAR )
succeeds after unifying PAR_1 with the ordinal
number of PAR_2.
ordchr( INTEGER, VAR )
succeeds after unifying PAR_2 with the character
whose ordinal number PAR_1 mod 256 is.
iseoln( TERM )
attempts to unify PAR_1 with the end_of_line
character. TOY Prolog converts every end_of_line
to a single 'CR'.
smalletter( TERM )
tests whether PAR_1 is a lower-case letter.
bigletter( TERM )
tests whether PAR_1 is a capital letter.
letter( TERM )
tests whether PAR_1 is a letter.
digit( TERM )
tests whether PAR_1 is a decimal digit.
alphanum( TERM )
tests whether PAR_1 is a letter, digit or under-
score (_).
TOY Prolog ST 20 Single characters
bracket( TERM )
tests whether PAR_1 is one of the characters ( ) [
] { }
solochar( TERM )
tests whether PAR_1 is one of the characters ! , ;
symch( TERM )
tests whether PAR_1 is a symbol_char. Input/output of single characters
For the input and output of single characters there are a number
of special predicates. These do not work - as in Prolog-10 - with
ASCII codes. The predicates of Prolog-10 that deal with i/o of
single characters can be defined roughly as follows (not fully
get0(Ord) :- rch, lastch(Ch), ordchr(Ord, Ch).
get(Ord) :- rch, skipbl, lastch(Ch), ordchr(Ord, Ch).
skip(X) :- repeat, get0(X), !.
put(Ord) :- ordchr(Ord, Ch), wch(Ch).
The main difference between TOY Prolog and Prolog-10 in the
handling of single characters lies in the fact that TOY Prolog
maintains a buffer for the last character input; hence in TOY
Prolog an entered character can be accessed repeatedly, even
after possible backtracking.
If an end_of_line is reached during input, it is written into the
input buffer ("last_char") as a single 'CR'. If the end of a file
stream is reached, the interpreter automatically executes the
predicate 'seen'; the following character will be read from the
user stream. This event will be reported to the user by a
The predicates for i/o of single characters:
succeeds after writing the next character from the
current input stream into last_char.
succeeds after ensuring that last_char contains a
printable character (ASCII code > 32). If such a
character is already present in last_char, nothing
is done, otherwise 'rch' is executed.
lastch( TERM )
attempts to unify PAR_1 with last_char.
TOY Prolog ST 21 Single chars - Type testing
rdch( TERM )
reads the next character from the input stream and
writes it into last_char; makes a copy of
last_char, in which unprintable characters are
replaced by spaces; and attempts to unify the copy
with PAR_1.
rdchsk( TERM )
as 'rdch', but 'skipbl' is executed first.
wch( CHAR )
writes the character into the current output
stream. 'CR' is interpreted as a line-separator.
ends the current line (outputs 'CR').
outputs the character 'BEL'; on output to the user
stream this character produces a bell sound.
The Atari ST interprets the character 'Esc' (Escape) as a special
control character: when 'Esc' is output to the user stream, the
next 1-3 characters produce a change of the parameters of the
screen output. There exist special predicates for the output of
escape sequences:
outputs 'Esc'.
outputs 'Esc', 'E'; this erases the screen
3.2.6. Type testing
var( TERM )
succeeds whenever PAR_1 is a free variable.
integer( TERM )
succeeds whenever PAR_1 is an integer number.
nonvarint( TERM )
succeeds whenever PAR_1 is an F_TERM.
atom( TERM )
succeeds whenever PAR_1 is an atom.
TOY Prolog ST 22 The term structure
3.2.7. Access to the term structure
pname( NAME, TERM )
generates a list of the individual characters of
PAR_1 and attempts to unify this list with PAR_2.
pname( VAR, CHAR_LIST )
succeeds after unifying PAR_1 with a NAME that
consists of the individual characters of PAR_2.
pnamei( INTEGER, TERM )
generates a list of digits that form the decimal
representation of PAR_1, and attempts to unify
this list with PAR_2. PAR_1 must not be negative.
pnamei( VAR, NUM_LIST )
succeeds after unifying PAR_1 with the integer
number whose decimal representation is the
characters of PAR_2. Even with correct parameters,
an error can occur if the number exceeds the
biggest representable integer. In this implementa-
tion numbers up to 32767 ( = 2**15 - 1) are
'pname' and 'pnamei' replace the function 'name' of Prolog-10,
which in fact works similarly, but uses ASCII codes instead of
the character representation used in TOY Prolog.
functor( VAR, INTEGER, 0 )
PAR_3 is the number 0; this call succeeds after
unifying PAR_1 with PAR_2.
functor( VAR, NAME, INTEGER )
succeeds after unifying PAR_1 with an F_TERM whose
functor has the name and arity determined by PAR_2
and PAR_3 and whose arguments are various free
variables. PAR_3 must not be negative.
functor( INTEGER, TERM, TERM )
attempts to unify PAR_2 with PAR_1 and PAR_3 with
the number 0.
functor( F_TERM, TERM, TERM )
attempts to unify PAR_2 with the name and PAR_3
with the arity of the principal functor of PAR_1.
fails if PAR_1 is less than 1 or greater than the
arity of the principal functor of PAR_2; otherwise
it attempts to unify PAR_3 with the PAR_1th
argument of PAR_2.
TOY Prolog ST 23 The term structure
succeeds after unifying PAR_1 with the number in
If the TERM in PAR_2 is not a 'closed' list,
generates an error in the predicate length / 2
('=..' uses 'length'). Otherwise generates a term
whose functor is NAME and whose argument list is
TERM; this term will be unified with PAR_1.
attempts to unify PAR_2 with [PAR_1].
generates a list whose head is the principal
functor of PAR_1 and whose body the argument list
of PAR_1; attempts to unify this list with PAR_2.
TOY Prolog ST 24 The Prolog data bank
3.2.8. Access to predicates in the data bank
protect( NAME, INTEGER )
protects the predicate with name PAR_1 and arity
PAR_2 against alteration by the predicates de-
clared further on.
protects all the predicates present in the data
unprotect( NAME, INTEGER )
removes the protection for the predicate with name
PAR_1 and arity PAR_2.
removes the protection from all predicates.
The data bank can be altered through the following predicates:
PAR_1 will be regarded as the head of a clause and
PAR_2 as its body; this clause will be inserted in
the data bank directly after the nth clause of the
relevant procedure ( n = PAR_3, if the clause with
this number exists; the number of the last clause,
if there are < PAR_3 clauses; or 0, if no clauses
exist or PAR_3 < 1 ).
PAR_2 must not be negative. PAR_1 and PAR_2
indicate the name and arity of a predicate; if the
relevant predicate has no clause with the number
PAR_3, 'retract' fails; otherwise the relevant
clause will be removed from the data bank and
'retract' will succeed.
Warning: if instances of the deleted clause
are still active at the moment of deletion, in the
great majority of cases catastrophic errors will
PAR_2 must not be negative. PAR_1 and PAR_2
indicate the name and arity of a predicate; if the
relevant predicate has no clause with the number
PAR_3, 'clause' fails; otherwise it attempts to
unify PAR_4 with its head and PAR_5 with its body.
TOY Prolog ST 25 The Prolog data bank
asserta( F_TERM )
treats PAR_1 as a clause; if the principal functor
is ':-' and its first argument not an F_TERM, an
error is generated. The clause will be inserted in
the data bank as the first clause of the relevant
assertz( F_TERM )
As 'asserta', but inserts the clause in the
data bank as the last clause of the relevant
assert( F_TERM )
a synonym for 'asserta'.
retract( F_TERM )
treats PAR_1 as a clause; if its principal functor
is ':-' and its first argument not an F_TERM, an
error is generated. The first clause that can be
unified with PAR_1 will be removed from the data
bank (if PAR_1 has the form F_TERM :- VAR, it can
only be unified with clauses whose body consists
of a single variable-call!). If 'retract' should
be resatisfied, the next clause unifiable with
PAR_1 will be removed, and so on.
clause( F_TERM, TERM )
finds the first clause whose head can be unified
with PAR_1 and whose body with PAR_2; succeeds
after successful unification. If 'clause' is
resatisfied, the next clause is looked for, and so
is needed for the implementation of 'reconsult'
(it should not be called directly). Between two
calls to 'redefine', 'assert' behaves differently
from normal: if a clause is saved with 'assert'
that does not belong to the predicate last saved
with 'assert', the entire predicate to which the
new clause belongs will first be deleted.
abolish( NAME, INTEGER )
PAR_2 must not be negative. The predicate with
name PAR_1 and arity PAR_2 will be entirely
predefined( NAME, INTEGER )
PAR_2 must not be negative; 'predefined' tests
whether the predicate with name PAR_1 and
arity PAR_2 is a system function.
TOY Prolog ST 26 The Prolog data bank
consult( FILENAME )
switches the current input stream and reads
clauses, which it then saves with 'assertz'. There
are two exceptions to this: the term 'end' ends
the read-in mode and restores the old input
stream; terms with the functor ':-'/1 are regarded
as commands and executed accordingly.
reconsult( FILENAME )
as 'consult', but before and after reading in
'redefine' is called, so that connected conse-
quences of the clauses of a predicate replace the
old predicate, instead of supplementing it.
consultall( TERM )
PAR_1 must be a list of FILENAMEs or terms of the
form '- FILENAME' (also mixed); it will call
'consult' for each simple FILENAME and 'reconsult'
for each FILENAME with '-'/1. This predicate is
called by the user interface when a list of
commands is entered.
listing( F_TERM )
PAR_1 must be an ATOM, or a term of the form
ATOM/INTEGER, or a (possibly complex) list of such
terms; each ATOM is regarded as the name and each
number as the arity of a predicate. All clauses
belonging to the pertinent predicate will be
output to the current output stream.
as listing/1, but outputs all predicates,
including the predefined predicates. The sequence
is fixed by the 'hash' function of the inner
interpreter and cannot be altered.
proc( TERM )
attempts to unify PAR_1 with an F_TERM that has
the name and arity of the first predicate in the
data bank; should 'proc' be resatisfied, the next
predicate is used each time; fails if there is no
further such predicate there. For the sequence of
the predicates, see listing/0.
TOY Prolog ST 27 Program course control
3.2.9. Control of the course of the program
When the call of a predicate activates a clause that is not the
last one of this predicate, a pointer is assigned to this clause
in the data bank. This pointer is used when the goal called has
to be resatisfied.
The direct descendants of a call A are the calls in the
clause activated by A. The direct ancestor of A is the call
activated by the clause in which A occurs. An ancestor of A is
the direct ancestor or an ancestor of the direct ancestor; a
descendant of A is a direct descendant or one of its descendants.
! ('cut', sometimes also 'slash')
succeeds after finding the next ancestor that is
not call/1, tag/1, ,/2 or ;/2. All data-bank
pointers that belong to this ancestor and all its
descendants are removed.
succeeds, and can be resatisfied as often as you
call( CALL )
behaves as though PAR_1 stood in the place of the
call of 'call'; though when 'call' is used, an
incorrect parameter is first recognised at the run
time of the program. In the outer interpreter a
variable can occur in place of a predicate as call
in a clause; such a variable-call is converted by
the outer interpreter into a call of 'call'.
tag( CALL )
another form of call(CALL); a call of 'tag' can be
accessed with the predicates 'tagfail', 'tagexit',
'tagcut' and 'ancestor'. PAR_1 is called the
marked ancestor of its descendants.
A call of 'tag' is recognized by 'tagfail'
etc. only when it stands explicitly in a clause,
e.g. call(tag(A)) is not recognised.
ancestor( TERM )
seeks the next marked ancestor that can be unified
with PAR_1; if none is found, 'ancestor' fails,
otherwise the ancestor and PAR_1 are unified and
'ancestor' succeeds.
tagcut( TERM )
as 'ancestor', but on success all the data-bank
pointers belonging to the ancestor found and its
descendants are removed.
TOY Prolog ST 28 Program course control
tagfail( TERM )
seeks the next marked ancestor that can be unified
with PAR_1; fails if none is found. If a marked
ancestor is found, this fails at once.
tagexit( TERM )
seeks the next marked ancestor that can be unified
with PAR_1; fails if none is found. If a marked
ancestor is found, it is unified with PAR_1 and
succeeds at once (i.e. the call after tag(...) is
considered as the next).
halt( ATOM )
outputs PAR_1 and ends the inner interpreter.
ends the main loop of the outer interpreter;
normally 'halt' is called and the inner interpre-
ter ended as well. Exceptions are possible (e.g.
in the editor).
sysload( FILENAME )
ends the outer interpreter and switches the
current input stream to the given file. This file
should contain a program in the syntax of the
inner interpreter (see Appendix 2). After a
'seen', or on reaching the end of the file, the
outer interpreter is restarted.
TOY Prolog ST 29 Program testing
3.2.10. Aids for the testing of programs
In the ST version of TOY Prolog there is the possibility of
interrupting the course of a program by pressing the key
combination ShiftAlternateHelp. The present goal is output in the
INTR: .......
and the user has the opportunity to alter the course of the
program. For this s/he can select the following options:
A (Abort) The entire goal being carried out is broken off
(including the outer interpreter).
B (Backtrace) The ancestors of the present goal are reported.
C (Continue) The present goal is worked on.
D (Debug ON/OFF) Test mode is switched on or off (see 'debug').
F (Fail) The present goal fails.
S (Step ON/OFF) Single-step mode is switched on or off; if it
is switched on, the program is automatically
interrupted before working on the next goal.
Pressing the key combination 'Control-C' often has the same
effect as ShiftAltHelp followed by selecting option A: the outer
interpreter is immediately stopped. The inner interpreter is not
stopped; if no file is being read in just then, the outer
interpreter is restarted.
In addition there exist some predicates that should make program
testing easier:
interrupts the course of the program (as if the
user had pressed the 'Help' key).
switches test mode on. In test mode, each goal to
be worked on is printed out with information
reporting whether the goal
- is being called for the first time (CALL:...)
- is to be resatisfied (REDO:...)
- has been successfully completed (EXIT:...)
- or has failed (FAIL:...)
switches test mode off.
switches on monitoring of calls of undefined
predicates. After 'nonexistent', in case of a call
of an undefined predicate a message will be
TOY Prolog ST 30 Program testing, etc.
switches these messages off again.
The following two predicates switch test mode on selectively for
set calls:
PAR_2 must not be negative. Test mode is switched
on for the predicate with name PAR_1 and arity
spy( NAME, VAR )
ditto, but for all predicates with this name; the
variable is not instantiated.
ditto, but for all predicates with the given
spy( VAR, VAR )
ditto, but for all predicates. The effect is the
same as with 'debug', but cannot be switched off
again with 'nodebug' (!). As the variables are not
instantiated, the same variable can be used twice.
nospy( PAR1, PAR2 )
switches off the selective test mode. All the call
patterns of 'spy' can be used in the same way as
there. 'nospy' cannot switch off the general test
mode switched on with 'debug'.
spied( NAME, INTEGER )
tests whether the selective test mode is switched
on for the predicate with name PAR_1 and arity
Note: at present test mode does not function correctly - FAIL is
often reported when it should not be, and EXIT not always
reported when it should be. See Appendix 5.
3.2.11. Working on grammatical rules
phrase( CALL, TERM )
treats PAR_1 as a non-terminal symbol of a gramma-
tical rule and arranges for the processing of
PAR_2 using PAR_1 as start symbol.
3.2.12. Miscellaneous functions
length( F_TERM, TERM )
computes the length of PAR_1, which must be a
'closed' list, and attempts to unify the result
TOY Prolog ST 31 Miscellaneous functions
with PAR_2.
isclosedlist( TERM )
tests whether PAR_1 is a 'closed' list.
numbervars( TERM )
instantiates the variables that occur in PAR_1
with 'V'(1), 'V'(2), ... . Variables that have
been bound together are instantiated with the same
member( TERM, TERM )
tests whether PAR_1 is an element of the list
PAR_2. If PAR_2 is an 'open' list that does not
contain PAR_1, 'member' succeeds after the list
has been extended to include PAR_1.
bagof( TERM, CALL, TERM )
attempts to unify PAR_3 with a list of the
instantiations established for PAR_1 after all
possible computations of PAR_2.
gives an overview of present memory occupancy.
The following predicates use the Atari ST's clock:
attempts to unify PAR_1, PAR_2 and PAR_3 with
numbers giving the date in the form "day, month,
sets the date: PAR_1 day, PAR_2 month, PAR_3 year.
attempts to unify PAR_1, PAR_2 and PAR_3 with
numbers giving the time of day in the form "hours,
minutes, seconds".
sets the time: PAR_1 hours, PAR_2 minutes, PAR_3
'time' and 'set_time' work in units of 2 seconds.
switches input to PAR_1 and output to PAR_2 and
translates the program read from PAR_1 into the
syntax of the inner interpreter. The result is a
file that can be read with 'sysload'.
See also the sections on 'consult' and
'sysload', as well as the Appendix.
TOY Prolog ST 32 GEM graphics functions
3.3. The GEM Functions
TOY Prolog ST can access some of the functions of the VDI and
AES. Details of these functions cannot be given here.
In the following brief descriptions, all parameters are INTEGER
numbers unless otherwise stated.
3.3.1. Control functions
grf_clip( Flag, X1, Y1, X2, Y2 )
If Flag = 0, clipping is switched off, otherwise
on. (X1, Y1) and (X2, Y2) are diagonally opposite
corners of the clipping rectangle.
grf_wrmode( Mode )
sets the write mode:
0 Replace mode
1 Transparent mode
2 XOR mode
3 Reverse-transparent mode
grf_colour( Index, Red, Green, Blue )
sets the colour combination for the colour with
the given index number. Red, Green and Blue lie in
the range 1 - 1000.
switches graphic mode on.
switches text mode on.
3.3.2. Graphic output
grf_pline( coordinate-list )
PAR_1 must be a list of an even number of
INTEGERs. Each pair of list elements is regarded
as coordinates and a polyline (multiple line
segments) is drawn.
grf_pmarker( coordinate-list )
draws a number of markers at the coordinates given
by PAR_1.
grf_poly( coordinate-list )
draws a filled polygon.
TOY Prolog ST 33 GEM graphics functions
grf_fill( X, Y, Index )
fills an area up to its boundary, starting from
the point (X, Y). Index is the original colour
index of the area (i.e. of the boundary).
grf_box( X1, Y1, X2, Y2 )
draws a filled rectangular area; (X1, Y1) and
(X2, Y2) are opposite corners.
grf_bar( X1, Y1, X2, Y2 )
ditto, but with perimeter.
grf_arc( X, Y, R, Alpha, Omega )
draws a circular arc with centre (X, Y), radius R,
start angle Alpha and end angle Omega.
grf_pie( X, Y, R, Alpha, Omega )
ditto, but a filled sector of a circle.
grf_circle( X, Y, R )
draws a filled circle with centre (X, Y) and
radius R.
grf_ellipse( X, Y, Xrad, Yrad )
draws a filled ellipse with centre (X, Y) and
semi-axes Xrad and Yrad.
grf_rbox( X1, Y1, X2, Y2 )
draws an unfilled rectangle with rounded corners.
grf_rfbox( X1, Y1, X2, Y2 )
as 'grf_rbox', but filled.
grf_text( X, Y, Text )
Text is a NAME, which is output as graphic text at
the position (X, Y).
3.3.3. Attribute functions
grf_l_colour( Index )
sets the line colour.
grf_l_type( Style )
sets the line type:
1 solid
2 - 6 broken
7 user-defined
grf_l_udstyle( Pattern )
sets the user-defined line style. Pattern is an
INTEGER number whose 16 bits define the pattern.
TOY Prolog ST 34 GEM graphics functions
grf_l_width( Width )
sets the line width.
grf_l_ends( Begin, End )
sets the shapes of the start and end of lines:
0 squared
1 arrow
2 rounded
grf_m_colour( Index )
sets the colour of markers.
grf_m_type( Type )
sets the marker type:
1 dot
2 cross
3 asterisk
4 square
5 diagonal cross
6 diamond
grf_m_height( Height )
sets the height of markers.
grf_t_height( Height )
sets the height of text.
grf_t_point( Height )
sets the text height in points.
grf_t_rotation( Angle )
sets the angle to which the character baseline is
grf_t_colour( Index )
sets the text colour.
grf_t_effects( Effects )
sets the text effects. Effects contains the sum of
the effects required:
1 Thickened
2 Light
4 Skewed
8 Underlined
16 Outlined
grf_t_align( Hor, Vert )
sets the text alignment horizontally (Hor) and
vertically (Vert):
Hor: 0 left Vert: 0 baseline
1 centred 1 half line
2 right 2 ascent line
3 bottom line
4 descent line
TOY Prolog ST 35 GEM graphics functions
5 top line
grf_f_colour( Index )
sets the fill colour.
grf_f_type( Type )
sets the interior-fill type:
0 hollow
1 solid
2 patterned
3 hatched
4 user-defined
grf_f_style( Style )
sets the fill style for fill types 2 and 3.
grf_f_perim( Flag )
switches perimeter for filled areas on (Flag = 1)
or off (Flag = 0).
grf_f_udpat( Pattern )
Pattern must be a list of exactly 16 INTEGER
numbers. They will be used as a pattern for fill
type 4.
3.3.4. Functions for mouse control
switches the mouse cursor off.
grf_mse_show( Flag )
If Flag = 0, switches the mouse on again at once;
otherwise switches it on when 'grf_mse_show' has
been called as many times as 'grf_mse_hide' has
been previously.
grf_mse_form( Form )
switches on a predefined mouse form:
0 arrow
1 text cursor
2 bee
3 pointing hand
4 flat hand
5 thin crosshairs
6 thick crosshairs
7 outlined crosshairs
255 pencil
grf_mse_form( Xhot, Yhot, Mask, Data, Pattern )
switches on a user-defined mouse form: Xhot, Yhot
are the coordinates of the action point within the
16x16 grid, Mask and Data are the background and
foreground colours; Pattern must be a list of
TOY Prolog ST 36 GEM functions; system fns
exactly 32 INTEGER numbers, the first 16 giving
the raster for the mask and the last 16 that for
the mouse form itself.
grf_mse_state( Button, X, Y )
The parameters must be variables or INTEGER
numbers. It attempts to unify Button with the
present state of the mouse buttons and X, Y with
the current position of the graphic cursor.
3.3.5. Display of an alert message
alert( Defbutton, Alert, Exbutton )
Alert must be a NAME; the characters of the name
are treated as a character-string.
Calls the AES function 'form_alert' and
attempts to unify the value this returns with
Exbutton. Exbutton must be an INTEGER or a
3.4. Names of the system functions
The names of the system functions can be altered, by altering the
descriptions in the second section of the system file (see
Appendix 3). In this one must take care that neither the sequence
nor the number of the names is altered, and that the arities are
It is recommended to produce before an alteration a new version
of the user interface, as after an alteration the previous
version is probably no longer runnable. The same holds for all
other programs.
The names of the predefined predicates can only be altered by
altering their definitions in the system file or (with predicates
that belong to the user interface) in the source text. The advice
above applies here too.
TOY Prolog ST 37 Translator for user interface
4.1. The translator for the User Interface
Source code and intermediate code: 'BOOTER.TOY'.
The program 'BOOTER.TOY' is needed to provide a new version of
the system file after changes to the user interface. The user
interface is not written in complete Prolog but in a 'slimmed-
down' version, which allows easy translation into the syntax of
the inner interpreter. This is the job the translator takes care
Use of the translator
To translate a new version of the user interface,the translator
is loaded with 'sysload'. The call takes place in the form
transl( Input_file, Output_file ).
thus analogous to the predefined predicate 'translate' (3.2.12).
'#' is used as the end-of-file character for the input file;
if there is not one at the end of the input file it must be
entered by hand.
The translator can produce error messages; in the process it
gives the name of the predicate the error was detected in, with
the incorrect characters and the rest of the input as far as the
next full stop.
If the translation runs without error, the output file will
contain the intermediate code of the new version of the user
interface; this code - preferably after removing the comments -
can be inserted with a text editor in place of the old
intermediate code in the system file. It is advisable to make a
copy of the old (working!) user interface beforehand, as it can
very well happen that the new version is incorrect. Popular
errors are the interchange of upper and lower case letters,
especially in variable names, e.g. NextCh - Nextch - NextChar -
NextChr etc.
TOY Prolog ST 38 Editor
4.2. The Editor
Intermediate code: 'EDITOR.TOY'.
This is a matter of a simple editor for predicates. It is called
edit( Name/Arity ).
The editor shows at any time the current clause together with its
number; at the beginning it is at clause 0, i.e. before the first
clause. After any command the (new) clause is shown.
The editor understands the following commands:
e Name/Arity calls a new incarnation of the editor. Another
predicate can be worked on.
x (eXit) leaves the present incarnation of the
+ shows the next clause, if there is one.
<CR> (blankspace) as +.
- shows the previous clause (if there is one).
t (Top) goes to clause 0.
b (Bottom) goes to the last clause.
l Lists the entire predicate.
d Deletes the present clause and goes to the next
one (or to the last one, if the one before the
last has been deleted).
i (Insert mode) Clauses entered in the following
lines will be inserted after the present clause.
'end.' ends insert mode.
f Filename as 'i', but the clauses are read from the given
p calls a new incarnation of Prolog(!). When 'stop'
is executed, carries on in the editor. In the
encapsulated incarnation of Prolog 'sysload' must
not be used.
An entered command must end after the last character. Where blank
spaces are given, exactly one must be entered.
TOY Prolog ST 39 Program structure analyzer
4.3. The Program Structure Analyzer
Intermediate code: 'CALLTREE.TOY'.
The program structure analyzer is called with
calltree( Name/Arity ).
to analyse the predicate with the given name and given arity. It
produces a list of the calls that are regarded as subgoals during
the course of the program.
Subgoals are provided in the line in which they first appear
with a number, by which they are referred to in subsequent
occurrences. The encapsulation depth is shown by varying
indentation of the lines.
The program structure analyzer should not be interrupted with
'Help', nor run in test mode, as in most cases cyclical data
structures will be generated during the course of the program.
Such data structures also result when, for example, the terms X
and f(X) are unified. As you see, TOY Prolog contains no
'occurrence check': the terms are unified and no more. Any
attempt to output the resulting expression will certainly lead to
an endless output loop, leading to a crash of the interpreter.
Such structures will be generated in the program analyzer when
recursive predicates are analyzed.
TOY Prolog ST 40 ALPHA
5.1. ALPHA
Source code: '\SOURCE\ALPHA'.
ALPHA is an example for the development of interactive programs.
After reading in it is called with 'go.'.
ALPHA understands three forms of sentence. The following is an
example dialogue:
( ... )
John is a man.
A man is a person.
Is John a person?
Is Mary a person?
I don't know!
( ... )
ALPHA reads the sentences in with a predicate that reads
individual characters and combines them into words. The resulting
list of words is then examined with the aid of grammatical rules
and translated into Prolog instructions. The entries above, for
example, will lead to the following clauses being adopted into
the data bank:
person(X) :- man(X).
5.2. TOYSEQUEL (relational database)
TOYSEQUEL (© 1983 Kluzniak & Szpakowicz) is a considerably larger
example on the use of grammatical rules for the implementation of
a command language. TOYSEQUEL represents a relational database.
An exact description of its commands is found in "Prolog for
Programmers". Here only the basics can be gone into, in fact with
:- toysequel.
Generating a few relations:
create Employee < string name, integer salary, integer
deptno >.
create Dept < integer deptno, string manager >.
create Board < string name, integer function >.
Entry of data tuples:
into Employee insert <"Smith", 1000, 1>, <"Jones", 1200, 2>,
<"Robinson", 600, 1>.
into Dept insert <1, "Murdoch">, <2, "Chamberlain">.
Queries on relations:
relation Employee.
string name
integer salary
integer deptno
Examination of tuples with particular properties:
select from Employee tuples <name, salary> where deptno = 1.
Smith 1000
Robinson 600
Entry of selected tuples:
into Employee insert select from Dept tuples <manager, 1000,
Alteration of tuples:
update Employee so that salary = 1200 where
name = "Murdoch".
from Employee delete tuples where name = "Chamberlain".
TOY Prolog ST 42 TOYSEQUEL - Noughts & crosses
The program's capabilities go considerably farther; there are
various possibilities for comparison of any complicated
arithmetic expression; if a name occurs in several relations, it
can be fixed unambiguously by qualifications; a relation needed
several times in one command can be given 'alias' names, etc.
Three important commands:
dump to FILENAME.
saves the relations in the given file.
load from FILENAME.
loads a file.
returns to TOY Prolog.
5.3. Noughts and Crosses
Intermediate code: 'TICTAC.TOY'.
Noughts and Crosses should demonstrate the use of TOY Prolog's
graphics functions.
It is called by
The user plays against the computer (the program is rather slow,
so the computer cannot lose). A move is carried out by the user
pointing the mouse pointer at a free square of the board and
clicking the left button. If the mouse button is clicked while
the pointer is on the 'STOP' button, the program is ended.
TOY Prolog ST 43 The interpreter
TOY Prolog consists of two parts: the inner and the outer
interpreter. The inner interpreter is written in C and 68000
Assembler, the outer in Prolog itself. The advantage of this kind
of implementation is that many parts of the interpreter are much
easier to formulate in Prolog than in other programming
An example of this is the predicate 'repeat'. In Prolog it
is defined as follows:
repeat :- repeat.
An implementation of 'repeat' in C would require the data
structures used by the inner interpreter to be extended; the
resulting cost increase would be considerable.
The technique used naturally has disadvantages too. The biggest
is undoubtedly the lower speed. The entire parser of TOY Prolog
is implemented in the outer interpreter, and on the basis of the
complex syntax (TOY Prolog is supposed to be largely compatible
with Prolog-10) the parser is very lavish. One notices this
particularly painfully when reading in files with 'consult', etc.
The program's low speed on reading in can be got round in a
simple way. As soon as you have a correct program available, you
can translate it into the syntax of the inner interpreter. The
speed with which such intermediate code can be read in far
surpasses the reading speed of the outer interpreter.
The outer interpreter consists essentially of a program loop
(loop / 0), which reads in terms with 'read' and evaluates them.
This loop can also be called from user programs with 'tag(loop)';
it is interrupted by means of the predicate 'stop'. This
possibility is used for example in the editor.
The type and manner of implementation demand that the outer
interpreter is read in after the start of the program. For this
there is in TOY Prolog a system file called 'SYSFILE.TOY'. It
contains besides the intermediate code for the outer interpreter
other important data, in particular the names and arities of the
system functions and the definitions of the predefined
predicates. The construction of the system file is explained in
Appendix 3.
TOY Prolog ST 44 Syntax of inner interpreter
The syntax description follows, analogous to the description of
the complete syntax in section 2.
clause ::= rule | goal
rule ::= f_term : call_list
goal ::= : call_list #
call_list ::= { call . } []
call ::= f_term
f_term ::= functor | functor ( arguments )
functor ::= name | q_name | [] | !
arguments ::= term { , term }
term ::= ( term ) | variable | number | f_term |
term . term
variable ::= anonymous_variable | numbered_variable
anonymous_variable ::= _
numbered_variable ::= : number
number ::= sign digit { digit }
name ::= small_letter { alphanumeric }
q_name ::= ' q_character { q_character } '
q_character ::= '' | not_'
*** not_' is any character other than '
alphanumeric ::= small_letter | capital_letter | digit | _
sign ::= + | | -
*** The sign can also be absent.
*** small_letter, capital_letter, digit : see section 2.
(1) The inner interpreter reads in only rules and goals, where a
syntactical goal is a headless rule. Facts must be
represented as rules in which the call-list is just []. A
goal is terminated by the character '#', which informs the
interpreter that it should start on the evaluation of the
goal (i.e. on the attempt to satisfy the goal). No report on
the success or failure of the goal is output.
(2) If the inner interpreter reads from the 'user' data stream,
it behaves as if it had read in the goal
: ear . [] #
This goal is the call of the outer interpreter and must
exist as a predicate. In case another predicate than 'ear'
has been entered in the system file (see Appendix 3), it
works the same way.
TOY Prolog ST 45 Syntax of inner interpreter
(3) Anonymous variables read in by the inner interpreter behave
differently from anonymous variables read in from the outer
interpreter. The inner interpreter generates 'true'
anonymous variables, which cannot be instantiated with
values. The outer interpreter generates instead single
instances of 'normal' variables. The difference is normally
insignificant; one should not rely, however, on e.g.
'numbervars' really instantiating all variables.
(4) When reading in 'numbered' variables, the inner interpreter
generates a table by means of which it sees how many
different variables a term contains. Thus the term
'f( :1, :100)' requires only two variables, not 100. The
number allotted to a variable on input has nothing to do
with the variable-number given by 'display' or 'write':
'display' uses the internal representation of variables,
'write' their sequence in the term.
TOY Prolog ST 46 System file
The system file 'SYSFILE.TOY' consists of three parts:
- the names and arities of the fixed functors the inner
interpreter needs for special purposes. They are ';' and ','
(needed for the implementation of the 'cut'), 'tag' and
'call', '[]', '.', 'error' (for the handling of call
errors), 'user' (for i/o), the operator types and 'ear' (the
goal that is called by the inner interpreter).
The descriptions of these functors must not be altered;
an exception to this is 'ear', which can be altered so as to
let another goal be called by the inner interpreter.
- The names and arities of the system functions. The names of
the system functions can be changed at will, but their
arities must be preserved. If the name of a system function
is altered, the change must be carried through in all
programs, especially the outer interpreter, otherwise
programs requiring the function in question will no longer
- The system library. This contains (in the syntax of the
inner interpreter) the definitions of the predefined
predicates and the intermediate code of the outer
interpreter. What we said above about changing names applies
here too; changing the definitions does not have such far-
reaching results, but it can quite well lead to programs not
running any more, including the auxiliary programs.
More will be said about changes to the user interface
in Appendix 4.
The descriptions of the special functors and system functions are
used upon initialization of the inner interpreter; they are read
in after AES, VDI and the memory sector of the interpreter have
been initialized.
The system library is read in directly after initialization
of the inner interpreter; at the end of the file there is a
'seen', so that after the reading in the outer interpreter is
TOY Prolog ST 47 User interface
The syntax of the inner interpreter is actually very simple,
hence programs in this form are understandable only with
difficulty; a program on the scale of the outer interpreter can
therefore not be developed directly in intermediate code. For
this reason the user interface is written in a subset of the
language being implemented. This "half-language" is restricted in
the following points compared with the complete syntax:
- Operator notation and the use of grammatical rules are not
- List notation is slightly restricted: in a term of the form
[ A, B, C ... | X ]
X must be a variable.
- The comma in a rule and the symbol ':-' are treated as
separating characters, not as operators. ';' must not be
used in a rule as a separating character, but as a functor.
The auxiliary program 'BOOTER.TOY' can translate this notation
practically 1:1 into intermediate code.
The source code for the user interface is in the file
'MONITOR.PRO'; after translation you should remove all comments
fom the resulting intermediate code, as they take up quite a lot
of space. Here you should be careful, since many predicates that
recognise or generate comments (in the present version they are
'skip', 'absorbtoken' and 'nextline') use the character '%'; one
should therefore not simply delete all the lines in which '%'
We cannot talk here about the methods used in the design of the
outer interpreter, and its construction; a detailed description
can be found in "Prolog for Programmers".
TOY Prolog ST 48 Future developments
(1) The reporting of subgoals in test mode ("CALL", "REDO",
"EXIT", "FAIL") still does not function correctly. "FAIL" is
signalled at each fault, also before a 'backtrack', not only (as
would be correct) after final failure of the subgoal. "EXIT", by
contrast, is not signalled at every successfully satisfied goal.
It is doubtful whether these defects will be (can be?) got
over just yet. The "FAIL" error is a nuisance during program
testing and will probably be eradicated soon, but the "EXIT"
error is sometimes caused by the optimized (!) execution of
recursive predicates and cannot - at least in this situation - be
(TOY Prolog follows a 'tail recursion optimization' (TRO),
which means that the 'activation records' of predicates can be
destroyed if this saves memory. The name comes from recursive
predicates in which the recursive call is the last in its clause;
though TRO also applies to other situations, e.g. to the 'cut'.)
(2) Integration of programs in other languages (C, Pascal,
(If I ever get round to it, have to think of a basis and a
way of proceeding ... )
[Translator's note: the other material originally in this appen-
dix has been redistributed to more convenient places.]
TOY Prolog ST 49 General index
(The names of predicates, system functions etc. are normally
followed by their arities; for the predefined operators, the type
specifier is also given.)
, /2 (xfy) 10, 18; 3, 4, 6, @>= /2 (xfx) 12, 18
17, 27, 44, 46
, (in user interface) 47 ::- (syntax descr. sym.) 3
; /2 (xfy) 10, 18; 3, 6, 17, | (syntax descr. sym.) 3
27, 46 | (in lists) 4, 5
';' (resatisfy) 7 { } (syntax descr. sym.) 3
; (in user interface) 47 { } (bracket_term) 4, 5
:- /1 (fx) 3, 4, 7, 17-18, 26 *** (syntax descr. sym.) 3
:- /2 (xfx) 3, 7, 17-18, 25
:- (in user interface) 47 abolish /2 25
--> /2 (xfx) 4, 7, 17-18 abort 29
! /0 ('cut') 27, 44, 46, 48 'absorbtoken' 47
' (with functors) 4, 44 activation record 48
" (with strings) 4, 19 AES 32, 36, 46
% 5, 47 alert /3 36
[ ] (list notation) 4, 47 ALPHA 40
[] (empty list) 4, 44, 46 alphanum /1 19
_ (anonymous variable) 4, 44 alphanumeric 4, 44
. (in int. code) 44, 46 ancestor 27
: (in int. code) 44 ancestor /1 27
# (in int. code) 44 anonymous_variable 44-45
arg /3 22
+ (arith. op., yfx, fx) 11, 18 arguments 44
+ (sign) 44 arithmetic expression 11
- (arith. op., yfx, fx) 6, ASCII 19-20
11, 18 assert /1 25
- /1 (with filename) 26 assert /3 24
- (sign) 4, 6, 44 asserta /1 25
* (arith. op., yfx) 11, 18 assertz /1 25
/ (arith. op., yfx) 11, 18 ATOM 9
atom /1 21
= /2 (xfx) 12, 18
== /2 (xfx) 12, 18 backtrace 29
=:= /2 (xfx) 11, 18 backtrack 48
=\= /2 (xfx) 12, 18 bagof /3 31
=< /2 (xfx) 12, 18 bell /0 21
=.. /2 (xfx) 18, 23 bigletter /1 19
\== /2 (xfx) 12, 18 BNF 3
< /2 (xfx) 12, 18 body 3, 6
> /2 (xfx) 12, 18 BOOTER.TOY 37, 48
>= /2 (xfx) 12, 18 bracket /1 20
@=< /2 (xfx) 12, 18 bracket_term 4
@< /2 (xfx) 12, 18 buffer, input 20
@> /2 (xfx) 12, 18 bugs 48
TOY Prolog ST 50 General index
call 4, 44 end_of_line 5, 6, 19, 20
CALL 9 eqvar /2 12
call /1 27, 46 'e r r' 17
CALL: 29, 48 error /1 8, 46
call_list 44 escape /0 21
CALL_LIST 9 EXIT: 29, 48
capital_letter 5 fact 3; (in int. code) 44
CHAR 9 fail /0 10
character_group 5, 6 FAIL: 29, 48
characters, single 19-21 FILENAME 9
character string 5, 19 file streams 13-16
CHAR_LIST 9 fill functions 35
check /1 10 f_term 44
clause 3, 24-27, 38, 44 F_TERM 9
clause /2 25 full_stop 5, 6
clause /5 24 function key assignment 16
clear screen 21 functor 4, 44; fixed 46
clock, access to 31 functor /3 22
Clocksin & Mellish 3 functor_term 4
cls /0 21
command 4, 6, 7 get /1 (Prolog-10) 20
command language 41 get0 /1 (Prolog-10) 20
comment 5, 6, 47 'go.' 40
condition 4 goal 7, 44
consult /1 26; speed of 43 grammatical_rule 4, 30, 41,
consultall /1 26; 7 47
cut 27; see also ! graphic output 32-33
cyclical data structures 6, graphics example 42
39 grf_arc /5 33
grf_bar /4 33
data bank 24-28 grf_box /4 33
database, relational 41-42 grf_circle /3 33
data streams 13-15 grf_clip /5 32
date /3 31 grf_colour /4 32
debug /0 29 grf_ellipse /4 33
debug option 29 grf_f_colour /1 35
definition 3 grf_fill /3 33
delop /1 18 grf_f_perim /1 35
descendant 27 grf_f_style /1 35
digit 5 grf_f_type /1 35
digit /1 19 grf_f_udpat /1 35
directive 4, 6 grf_l_colour /1 33
directory access 14-15 grf_l_ends /2 34
disk_dir /1 14 grf_l_type /1 33
disk error 15 grf_l_udstyle /1 33
disk_search /2 15 grf_l_width /1 34
disk_search /4 14-15 grf_m_colour /1 34
display /1 17, 45 grf_m_height /1 34
grf_mode /0 32
ear /0 7, 8, 44, 46 grf_mse_form /1 35
echo /0 16 grf_mse_form /5 35-36
editor 38 grf_mse_hide /0 35
'end' 26, 38 grf_mse_show /1 35
TOY Prolog ST 51 General Index
grf_mse_state /3 36 markers 32, 34
grf_m_type /1 34 member /1 31
grf_pie /5 33 memory occupancy 31
grf_pline /1 32 'midi' 13
grf_pmarker /1 32 mod (arith. op., xfx) 11, 18
grf_poly /1 32 'modem' 13
grf_rbox /4 33 MONITOR.PRO 47
grf_rfbox /4 33 mouse control 35-36
grf_t_align /2 34
grf_t_colour /1 34 name 44
grf_t_effects /1 34 NAME 9
grf_text /3 33 name /2 (Prolog-10) 22
grf_t_height /1 34 'nextline' 47
grf_t_point /1 34 nl /0 21
grf_t_rotation /1 34 nodebug /0 29
grf_wrmode /1 32 noecho /0 16
nonexistent /0 29
halt /1 28 nononexistent /0 30
head 3 non_operator 4
Help key 29, 39 non_terminal symbol 3, 4, 30
nonvarint /1 21
inner interpreter 7, 28, 43- nospy /2 30
47; syntax of 31, 37, 43-47 not /1 (fy) 10, 18
integer 4 noughts and crosses 42
INTEGER 9 number 44
integer /1 21 numbered_variable 44-45
integer, biggest 22 numbervars /1 31
integers, arithmetic of 10 'numbervars' 45
intermediate code 7, 43, 46-47 NUM_LIST 9
interpreter, see inner i.,
outer i. occurrence check 6, 39
interpreter, construction of once /1 10
43 op /3 17-18
interrupt 29 operator 4-6, 17-18
interrupt /0 29 operator, mixed 5
INTR: 29 operator notation 47
is /2 (xfx) 11, 18 operator types 46
isclosedlist /1 31 ordchr /2 19
iseoln /1 19 outer interpreter 7, 28, 43-47
'keybd' 13, 16 parser 43
Kluzniak & Szpakowicz 3 phrase /2 30
pname /2 22
lastch /1 20 pnamei /2 22
last_char (input buffer) 20-21 pointer (in data bank) 27
length /2 30; 23 precedence 4, 17-18
less /2 11 predefined /2 25
letter /1 19 predefined data stream 13
line functions 32, 33-34 predefined operators 9
list 4, 7, 47; functions predefined predicates 8, 46
30-31 'printer' 13
listing /0 26 proc /1 26
listing /1 26 prod /4 10-11
loop /0 7, 43
TOY Prolog ST 52 General index
program, control of course of syntax 3-6; of inner inter-
27-29 preter 43-47
program structure analyser 39 SYSFILE.TOY, see system file
Prolog-10 3, 5, 8, 19, 20, 43 sysload /1 28; creating files
protect /0 24 for 31
protect /2 24 system error 8
put /1 (Prolog-10) 20 system file 46; 8, 36, 43
system functions 8, 25, 46;
q_name 4, 44 names of 36
query 4, 6, 7 system library 46
rch /0 20 tag /1 27, 46
rdch /1 21 tagcut /1 27
rdchsk /1 21 tagexit /1 27-28
read /1 17, 43 tagfail /1 27-28
reconsult /1 26 tail recursion optimization 48
recursion 48 tell /1 14
redefine /0 25 telling /1 14
REDO: 29, 48 term 4, 44
repeat /0 27, 43 TERM 9
retract /1 25 terminal_symbol 4
retract /3 24 test mode 29-30, 39, 48
rule 3, 44 text functions 33, 34
rule_element 4 time /3 31
told /0 14
see /1 14 TOYSEQUEL 41-42
seeing /1 14 transl /2 37
seen /0 14; 28, 46 translate /2 31
set_date /3 31 true /0 10
set_fstring /2 16 txt_mode /0 32
set_time /3 31 type (of operator) 4-6, 17-18
ShiftAltHelp 29 type (of term) 21
side_effects /1 10
sign 44 unification 9; algorithm 6
single-step mode 29 unprotect /0 24
skip /1 (Prolog-10) 20, 47 unprotect /2 24
skipbl /0 20 'user' data stream 7, 13-14,
slash 27 16, 44, 46
smalletter /1 19 user interface 7, 36, 37;
small_letter 5 implementation of 47
solochar /1 20
solo_char 5 VAR 9
space 5, 6 var /1 21
spied /2 30 variable 4, 44
spy /2 30 VARINT 9
status /0 31 VDI 32, 46
step 29 'V'(N) 17, 31
stop /0 7, 28
string, see character string wch /1 21
subgoals 39, 48 word 4
sum /3 10 write /1 17, 45
symbol_char 5 writeq /1 17
symch /1 20
TOY Prolog ST 53 Index to GEM functions
Standard name Prolog name Page
Dgetpath, Dsetpath disk_dir /1 14
form_alert alert /3 36
Fsfirst disk_search /4 14-15
Fsnext disk_search /2 15
graf_mkstate grf_mse_state /3 36
graf_mouse grf_mse_form /1 35
(set mouse f.d.b.) grf_mse_form /5 35-36
v_arc grf_arc /5 33
v_bar grf_bar /4 33
v_circle grf_circle /3 33
v_contourfill grf_fill /3 33
v_ellipse grf_ellipse /4 33
v_enter_cur txt_mode /0 32
v_exit_cur grf_mode /0 32
v_fillarea grf_poly /1 32
v_gtext grf_text /3 33
v_hide_c grf_mse_hide /0 35
v_pieslice grf_pie /5 33
v_pline grf_pline /1 32
v_pmarker grf_pmarker /1 32
v_rbox grf_rbox /4 33
v_rfbox grf_rfbox /4 33
vr_recfl grf_box /4 33
vs_clip grf_clip /5 32
vs_color grf_colour /4 32
vsf_color grf_f_colour /1 35
vsf_interior grf_f_type /1 35
vsf_perimeter grf_f_perim /1 35
vsf_style grf_f_style /1 35
vsf_udpat grf_f_udpat /1 35
v_show_c grf_mse_show /1 35
vsl_color grf_l_colour /1 33
vsl_ends grf_l_ends /2 34
vsl_type grf_l_type /1 33
vsl_udsty grf_l_udstyle /1 33
vsl_width grf_l_width /1 34
vsm_color grf_m_colour /1 34
vsm_height grf_m_height /1 34
vsm_type grf_m_type /1 34
vst_alignment grf_t_align /2 34
vst_color grf_t_colour /1 34
vst_effects grf_t_effects /1 34
vst_height grf_t_height /1 34
vst_point grf_t_point /1 34
vst_rotation grf_t_rotation /1 34
vswr_mode grf_wrmode /1 32